For my Programming for Artist class, we made a spiky block that would fall downward and kill the player. For mine, I did a guy wearing a top hat and put some coins on top to show the player that his head is safe. I decided to do this because I thought that he would look better if he was wearing a top hat instead of nothing. Also I named him Steve but sometimes I will call him Dave! This code is for when the player touches the spikes. The death function was made by my teacher, Scott Carroll. This is setting the vector for the block itself. I only needed to do the block because I have it as a parent to everything else on him. This is the entire BluePrint! I mainly use a timeline node in order to keep everything together and in time with everything. The top half is for his eyes changing color. The middle is for unreal to know where his new relative location is after the timeline ends. The bottom is the sound effect I have for him as well as the cam...