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Showing posts from January, 2018


For my Programming for Artist class, we made a spiky block that would fall downward and kill the player. For mine, I did a guy wearing a top hat and put some coins on top to show the player that his head is safe. I decided to do this because I thought that he would look better if he was wearing a top hat instead of nothing. Also I named him Steve but sometimes I will call him Dave!  This code is for when the player touches the spikes. The death function was made by my teacher, Scott Carroll.  This is setting the vector for the block itself. I only needed to do the block because I have it as a parent to everything else on him. This is the entire BluePrint! I mainly use a timeline node in order to keep everything together and in time with everything. The top half is for his eyes changing color. The middle is for unreal to know where his new relative location is after the timeline ends. The bottom is the sound effect I have for him as well as the cam...

Final Platformer

I have finished my platformer for my Game Design II class. Overall I enjoyed creating our own platformer and having the creative push from the teachers.      My platformer is about the player being at a parkour facility is search of becoming a parkour master thru some tests. These tests include swings, jump pads, moving ladders and moving spikes. If the player completes all of these challenges, they are rewarded with a big pile of gold! I tried to stick to my level layout somewhat closely. If you want to see it check out my previous post! Most of the things that I changed was due to how difficult the game was as well as not making certain areas. Here is a video of me playing thru it:

Personal Platformer Level Layout

For my own personal level layout, I wanted it to be some sort of parkour type of level where at the end the player would be rewarded with a giant pile of gold. I call it Scaling the Towers .      The story for this level is that you are trying to be a parkour master and your are scaling different building while avoiding different traps and such in order to keep people, like yourself, off of the roof tops. The goal in the game is to overcome all of the obstacles and collect your earnings as you work on becoming a parkour master.

Vehicle Pre Pro

For my 3D for Games II class, we have to design a vehicle with a weapon attached to it set 200 years in the future. Mine is called the Mobile Death Incinerator!      For the vehicle, I was thinking that it could be some sort of tank but with the mobility of a cheetah which is why I gave it such big wheels. The geometric shapes are going to be either steel plates of some sort of new material that is discovered. The beams going around the weapon will be used to hold it as still as possible in order for the bullet to stay on target. Speaking of which, the bullet will be this cone shaped object with a little ball inside of it. This ball will be creating neutrons as it is flying in the sky and will stop once the shell casing breaks off of it. Once it hits it target, the ball will break in half which will release the neutrons, causing the neutrons to mix into the air, creating a new explosive element. The weapon itself is like a rail gun, using the force from the magnets and ...

Platformer Analysis: Battle Block Theater

In order to get a great understanding of what a platformer game is, I believe that it is important to look at how other people have created their games. The game that I decided to examine is Battle Block Theater. This game offers a great tutorial level in the form of simple yet understandable. The layout of the level helps the player to understand how the basic mechanics work as well as teaching them new mechanics like double jumping, standing on clouds and jumping on lava rocks. The short yet sweet level throws these mechanics at the player right as they are thrown into the game. The type of obstacles that the player is presented with are the cat enemy's and the cloud blocks. The cloud blocks are helpful due to the fact that you can jump through them as well as land on top of them. The game ramps up the difficulty by introducing the cat enemy, the cloud blocks and the teleporters. These objects help to teach the player the many different ways that they can get around in future...